It all started....

From Patricia Cole's secret recipe file...
Previously unearthed by the Rushinski brothers, Simon and Chester, in a California goldmine in 1849.
And before that, the royal mustard of the three Goldrushian dynasties in the late 1200s somewhere in Cauc-Asia.
Delivered to Cleopatra by 3 Siamese cats just 2 days before that asp incident.
As shown in famous cave paintings, alongside beef and egg rolls.
Hand-crafted by some of the finest overqualified and certified people in the world.
Using the highest quality ingredients, jars, and labels.
GOLDRUSH ORIGINAL features unrefined coconut oil, giving it (and say this aloud with a Deep Southern accent) "an oh so delicate whisper of coconut flavor".
STUPID POISON MUSTARD has its own tab. You should read about it there. Hint: SPM
LAVA is rough and tumble - all heat, no sweet.
After too many years giving it away, GoldRush Mustard has now gone public. You should get you some. And some for someone else.
This is our website. Our baby website. There will be more to come.